ACID Transactions

What are ACID Transactions

ACID transactions are a set of properties that ensure that database transactions are reliable and consistent. ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. 

In essence, ACID transactions ensure that database operations are carried out correctly, and should any failure occur, the database is able to recover to a previous state without losing any data or affecting the data’s consistency. This way, ACID transactions ensure that database transactions are processed reliably and data is stored accurately and consistently. 

The ACID properties of transactions are:


Atomicity in ACID transactions ensures that a transaction is perceived as a solitary, undividable entity of operation. Should any element of the transaction encounter failure, the entire transaction must revert, thereby nullifying any alterations executed within the transaction. This measure guarantees the database’s consistency, irrespective of any encountered failures throughout the transaction process.


Consistency preserves the integrity of the database, ensuring it maintains a valid state both prior to and following a transaction. In this way, the database schema must adhere to all constraints and regulations, and any transaction breaching these constraints must be reversed to uphold the database’s consistency. This mechanism guarantees the database’s integrity and sustains the accuracy and reliability of its data.


This characteristic guarantees that every transaction functions autonomously, isolated from other transactions. Consequently, the effects of a transaction should only manifest in other transactions after its commitment. This averts interference and clashes amid concurrent transactions, upholding the database’s integrity and consistency. Notably, various isolation levels can be tailored for transactions, aligning with the particular needs of the application and the database system in question.


This attribute ensures that alterations applied to the database within a transaction remain permanent, even in the event of a system failure. Any modifications enacted subsequent to the transaction’s commitment must endure, regardless of system destruction or power loss.


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ACID Transactions Properties

ACID transactions uphold data integrity through a prescribed sequence of actions. While these steps represent a typical approach to implementing ACID in databases, variations or discrepancies in implementation may exist depending on the particular database system employed. 

To achieve ACID properties, database management systems (DBMS) use various mechanisms such as: 

  • Transaction logs: These record all changes made by transactions before they are committed. In the event of a failure, these logs can be used to roll back or redo transactions as required. 
  • Locking mechanisms: These ensure that transactions maintain isolation by acquiring locks on data they access to prevent other transactions from modifying it simultaneously. 
  • Undo and redo logs: These are used to keep track of changes made by transactions, allowing the system to undo or redo transactions during recovery after a failure.
  • Multiversion concurrency control (MVCC): This is a database optimization method that generates duplicate copies of records, enabling safe concurrent reading and updating of data.

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of ACID Transactions

If we look at the advantages and limitations of ACID transactions and explore their potential, it’s important to note that the drawbacks mentioned aren’t inherent to ACID transactions alone. They can differ based on the particular implementation and the needs of the application. 

For instance, while overhead and scalability could present challenges in specific situations, they might not be significant issues in others. Likewise, although deadlocks may arise in some cases, careful transaction design and management can frequently mitigate or avoid them.


Data integrity: ACID transactions ensure that even in the event of a transaction failure, the database maintains a consistent state, contributing to data reliability and integrity.

Consistency: ACID transactions guarantee the validity of the database both before and after transaction execution, promoting database consistency.

Isolation:These transactions maintain the independence of each transaction from others, thereby preserving data integrity by preventing interference between concurrent transactions.

Durability: ACID transactions assure that database changes made during a transaction are permanent, even in the face of system failure, thus enhancing data reliability.


Overhead: The performance of databases can be affected by the additional processing overhead caused by ACID transactions.

Scalability: Implementing ACID transactions in large-scale distributed systems that require performance and scalability can be challenging.

Concurrent data update:Concurrent transactions attempting to modify the same data simultaneously may lead to clashes, requiring one transaction to wait for another to finish, thereby reducing system performance and increasing latency.

Use Cases of ACID Transactions

ACID transactions are suitable for a wide variety of use cases. Here are some examples:


Healthcare systems use ACID transactions to ensure patient records are updated precisely and that confidential medical information is protected. Electronic health records (EHRs) house sensitive patient data that requires accuracy and integrity. For example, when a doctor modifies a patient’s medication details in the EHR, an ACID transaction is triggered to guarantee atomic, consistent, and durable updates to the data.


Banks rely on ACID transactions to guarantee the accurate and secure handling of payments and other financial transactions. For instance, when a customer makes an ATM withdrawal, an ACID transaction is initiated to update their account balance and document the transaction. This transaction adheres to the principle of atomicity, ensuring that it either completes successfully or fails entirely, thereby maintaining the consistency of the account balance. 


E-commerce platforms use ACID transactions to guarantee the accurate processing of customer orders and the precise updating of inventory levels. For instance, when a customer makes a purchase, an ACID transaction is executed to update inventory records, ensuring the transaction’s atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability.