XAP Skyline

Reduce DBaaS Latency of Cloud Native Apps by 90%

Guarantee data consistency without compromising on low latency

XAP Skyline supports ACID (Atomicy, Consistency, Isolation and Durability) transactions, providing the same level of data consistency as the underlying DBaaS. Data retrieved from the DBaaS is considered as valid, as long as that data was transactionaly written into the DBaaS.

Introducing XAP Skyline as a caching layer between the application and the DBaaS provides much higher response times, while maintaining the same access pattern to the data, without losing ACIDity. With XAP Skyline, data is instantaneously available via multiple isolation levels, including dirty read, read committed, repeatable read and exclusive read lock.

In addition, XAP Skyline guarantees consistency through the synchronization process with the DBaaS, eliminating data loss and conflicting responses that may occur during synchronizations. The synchronization process, implemented via the Mirror service has built-in mechanisms to address process failure incidents. Those mechanisms enable the Mirror process to autonomously restart and pick up the latest committed database transaction, and to play back any uncommitted transactions to the underlying DBaaS that occurred while the Mirror service was down.

Data consistency - XAP Skyline

All the components of XAP Skyline are fully redundant, providing high availability and ensuring that data consistency is guaranteed even in cases of hardware or network outages.

Explore XAP Skyline

Look under the XAP Skyline hood.

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