XAP Skyline

Reduce DBaaS Latency of Cloud Native Apps by 90%

Achieve high concurrency of users and API calls even during peak loads

While cloud-native applications running on managed Kubernetes are designed for massive horizontal scalability, the managed databases they rely on will mostly be based on traditional database technologies. Traditional technologies, such as PostgreSQL are not designed to handle massive volumes of data and cannot provide scalability similar to stateless PODs being provisioned as the workload increases.

Multiple Kubernetes clusters are a common way to address global distribution across multiple regions, disaster recovery, and more. These operations require synchronization of session data and latency sensitive data between clusters, to minimize network latency. XAP Skyline provides built-in replication between XAP clusters, providing local access to data in each cluster, while keeping the data in sync with other clusters.

Traditional caching solutions are used to compensate for the severe performance degradation caused by the increased load and lack of scalability the cloud managed database can offer. These solutions require adding components to the cloud-native applications to make use of the caching platform, to manage the lifecycle of objects in the cache, and practically take ownership of managing the data in the cache. 

XAP Skyline changes this approach and is situated between the managed RDBMS and the  cloud native application, potentially even in the same Kubernetes cluster. This avoids the latency introduced by cloud network hops that are naturally added by Kubernetes and from the network topology of managed data services. 

Cloud-native applications continue to use SQL queries just like they used those queries before the introduction of XAP Skyline. The data is served from XAP Skyline, as it was previously pre-fetched. With updates of  the data, XAP Skyline assures consistency, as it is ACID compliant (Transactional) and writes the updated data back to the managed RDBMS, thus replacing the RDBMS for the application. XAP Skyline is built to provide efficient data access and storage footprint to support multiple indexes without replicating data.

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Look under the XAP Skyline hood.

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