Launching New Digital Services
Efficiently with Smart DIH

Digital Services Creation

For organizations to compete effectively, they must offer their customers new, innovative digital applications that stand out from the crowd and generate real value. These apps must be released quickly, and continuously and support increasing demand from more and more concurrent users. 

A well designed, event driven data architecture can lower the complexity of developing and launching innovative apps. GigaSpaces Digital Integration Hub, Smart DIH, decouples applications from their sources of record. This allows microservices and APIs to be built as a layer above the DIH, significantly simplifying data access and enabling faster development of digital applications.

The digitization module in Smart DIH connects to the organization’s digital channels, including websites, mobile apps, chatbots, social channels, emails and text messages. Data is served to digital applications through RESTful APIs and events, using a low-code service creator that developers can use with minimal effort. In addition, distributed SQL queries may be executed from third-party applications, using clientless JDBC/ODBC connectors.

digitization module

Smart DIH shortens the turnaround of a service introduction and offers the following capabilities: 

  • Lowers the skillset required for development: of data microservices and reduces maintenance costs by streamlining the practices used for creating data microservices
  • Unifies the data model: the hosting layer provides service developers with the opportunity to properly document a single data model 
  • Shortens the development cycle: the Data Integration module makes data available for development and reduces the burden from service developers to address quality issues downstream, at the data microservice level. In the data integration layer, validation and cleansing policies can be applied upstream as part of the data pipelines configuration.

Offers a low-code blueprint for service creation: provided in the digitization layer. Using this blueprint, a service developer can easily generate a Smart DIH compatible service, and package it as a deployable JAR. The blueprint reduces overhead by automatically implementing requirements such as coding for operational and regulatory requirements, all out-of-the-box.

Hosting data microservices within Smart DIH has several advantages:


Improved performance
by executing queries close to where the data is located


Data operations are on a single system
enabling a clear view of the data journey and usage, for operational reporting and observability


Data microservice is fully operational once deployed
the built-in web server enables direct access to the service’s API, through the developer’s defined port

Creating Resilient and Unified Data 

With an event-based architecture, the new services are more resilient, no longer relying on any single system of record that may be experiencing high demand or is down for maintenance. With a dedicated high-performance store, data is freed from siloed systems of record to personalize every customer experience, and organizations can rapidly launch and scale low latency digital services.

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