

Do you have questions about our products, or how they are implemented?

Is Smart DIH a real-time database?
Smart DIH includes real-time storage in the form of a highly performant data layer that resides on top of existing databases. This real-time layer consolidates data from other databases, including real-time databases. It serves as a platform for launching and delivering data APIs and business logic over unified data. In this regard, SmartDIH complements databases to satisfy demanding high concurrency low-latency workloads over diverse underlying data sources.
Is Smart DIH a middleware solution?
Yes, Smart DIH mediates and decouples between high-performance demanding clients and existing organizational core systems that are not designed for extreme throughput and availability. It sits between data services consumers and data silos providing access to an always fresh copy of operational data and allows OOTB co-located high-performance online processing capabilities to enrich and compute business insights on the fly. It streamlines the overall architecture, reducing the development effort and potential points of failure. Smart DIH replaces several middleware tools to achieve faster end-to-end processing.
Does Smart DIH replicate an entire database into its data layer?
Smart DIH includes an adaptive data integration tier that replicates only necessary operational data, so that it can be accessed in real time. Data that is rarely accessed can be stored in less expensive options such as SSD while most accessed data will reside in RAM over distributed scalable data nodes. 
Does Smart DIH enable analytical workloads or operational workloads, or both?
Smart DIH provides extreme performance for operational workloads, thus offloading workloads from core business applications. Smart DIH analyzes data on real-time streams, and can also provide alerts as needed. For classic analytical workloads, such as slice and dice, it is recommended to use technologies that are not distributed by design. 
How long does it typically take to implement Smart DIH?
Within a matter of weeks customers can deploy and benefit from a Smart DIH system, running on multiple environments and connected to several datastores. Using the SQL low-code based service creation capabilities, customers can also deploy tens of simple REST data access services during  the same timeframe.

Smart DIH is an off the shelf product, so it drastically cuts the time required to deploy and onboard the hub. Build-it-yourself has so many moving parts, including selecting vendors, maintenance and upgrades of multiple solutions, licensing etc. that Smart DIH eliminates, so that you can focus on developing your core product. 
Does Smart DIH support structured and unstructured data?
Smart DIH supports a mix of structured and semi-structured data, and offers data enrichment. Smart DIH integrates relational databases, no-SQL databases, object stores, file systems, and message brokers. 
Does SmartDIH support event-based architecture?
Smart DIH uses an event-driven, microservices architecture, and a unified API layer to power digital services by request (via API calls) or with push notifications. Smart DIH supports batch and streaming data.
Where is SmartDIH hosted? Cloud or on prem?
Smart DIH runs on Kubernetes and can be deployed on a public cloud, on-premises, or in hybrid configurations.
Does SmartDIH support hybrid environments?
Smart DIH harmonizes data from systems residing in multiple clouds and hybrid environments into a low-latency, scalable, high-performance data layer, exposing APIs and events in near real-time to digital applications.

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Learn more in this recent webinar recording