XAP Skyline


Do you have questions about our products, or how they are implemented?

Is XAP Skyline a real-time database?
XAP Skyline is an in memory data processing platform (grid) that runs low latency applications. It compliments real-time databases by managing and caching portions of the data.
Is XAP Skyline a middleware solution?
Yes, XAP Skyline is middleware that optimizes data access patterns, and can be scaled to support thousands of concurrent transactions.
Does XAP Skyline replicate an entire database into its data layer?
No, XAP Skyline only replicates the critical or latency-sensitive data. Other data can be stored on SSDs or similar storage devices.
Does XAP Skyline enable analytical workloads, operational workloads, or both?
XAP Skyline learns the relationship between the objects in the grid, and as with databases, can execute complex SQL queries. XAP is not an alternative for a data warehouse, and cannot be used to run analytics on huge amounts of data.
How long does it typically take to implement XAP?
It takes just a few minutes to set up and load business logic if a Kubernetes cluster is available.
Does XAP support structured and unstructured data?
XAP Skyline primarily supports structured data, but can support unstructured data and document formats in certain use cases.
Does XAP Skyline support event-based architecture?
XAP has a built-in mechanism to support in-memory event notifications and other types of memory buses. It can be easily integrated with any streaming solution such as Apache Kafka.
Where is XAP Skyline hosted? Cloud or on premises?
XAP Skyline is a cloud native application that can run on any K8s cluster, either in the cloud or on-premises.
Does XAP Skyline support hybrid environments?
XAP Skyline clusters can be replicated from any environment to any other environment.
How is XAP Skyline different from key-value stores?
XAP Skyline support all kinds of application workloads such as:
  • In memory event buses
  • Local caching
  • Custom embedded code
  • Application management and orchestration.
  • XAP Skyline can store Java objects, documents, key-value, and utilizes secondary indices for efficient memory consumption and ease of use
Whats XAP Skylines memory footprint?
Memory footprint in XAP Skyline is derived from the data that is loaded into the grid, and the amount of memory that is consumed by the application business logic. Data can be further compressed as required.
Can you use XAP Skyline with a disk-based database?
Yes, XAP Skyline arrives with an embedded disk-based solution, which persists the data to enable fast recovery, and lowers TCO.
What happens if XAP Skyline runs out of memory?
This situation does not occur, since XAP Skyline is a horizontally and vertically scalable solution. The cluster can automatically handle increased amounts of data.
Is XAP Skyline highly available? How does it achieve consistency?
Yes, XAP Skyline maintains a synchronized replica that allows consistent replication. It also manages failover, split brains, and data affinity if the primary partition is not available.
Is XAP Skyline a cache solution?
XAP Skyline can be used as a pure caching solution by moving data closer to microservices, but also provides ultra-fast processing, high availability and consistency.
How is XAP Skyline different from Kafka and Confluent?
Kafka is a streaming bus that supports pub/sub patterns and stores data temporarily on disk. XAP Skyline stores data in-memory and provides efficient access tools similar to RDBMS such as indexing and embedded code.   XAP Skyline uses real time, in memory Java objects with no need to transform to and from JSONs.
Which use cases is XAP Skyline suited for?
XAP Skyline is used primarily for mission critical use cases such as online trading, real-time risk management and in retail, transportation and healthcare. XAP SKyline is also used in data processing for AI and large language models.
Does XAP Skyline support .NET and Java?
Yes it does, XAP Skyline can store Java objects, documents, key-value, and utilizes secondary indices for efficient memory consumption and ease of use. XAP also includes a .NET SDK and libraries for native integrations.

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See XAP Skyline In Action